The barrier cloth is designed to block dust mite excretion, animal dander, and all sorts of household dust from passing between sleeper and pillow. It's the most tightly woven natural material we carry, completely prevents airflow, and can help with a lot of other airborne chemicals based on its very small pore size. It's great to use anywhere you need to prevent dust and allergens from getting into the air; especially pillow protectors and mattress protectors, and also storage bags for bedding. Ours is not treated with urethane like many other organic barrier cloth is.
Made with 100% Certified Organic Cotton, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) fabric, organic cotton allergy proof covers. The most natural product available for dust mite protection with the tightest microns (4.5).
100% organic means you and your family are not being exposed to any harsh chemicals or toxins. No Chemicals, dyes or any added treatments whatsoever have been used on the covers. Rest assured that dust mites and other allergens cannot pass through this covers to bother you or your family.
What we do know is that some research shows that allergy-causing molds and fungus are sometimes found on pillows – especially those with synthetic fibers. These microorganisms, as well as dust mites,especially love damp environments.
These are not breathable.
Pore Size: 4.5 microns
Very tightly woven! Nice fit and excellent quality.